


Titre(s)Nazology / Nazareth.

Editeur(s)Snapper Music, 2002.

ContientCD 1 : Dear John. - Morning dew. - If you see my baby. - Broken down angel. - Bad bad boy (live). - This flight tonight (live). - Shanghaï'd in Shanghaï. - Love hurts. - Hair of the dog (live). - My white bicycle (live). - Holy roller. - Carry out feelings. - You're the violon. - Somebody to roll. - I don't want to go on without you. - CD 2 : Gone dead train. - Place in your heart. - May the sunshine. - Whatever you want babe. - Star. - Holiday. - Heart's grown cold (live). - Dressed to kill. - Morning dew (new version). - Love leads to madness. - Games. - Dream on. - Ruby tuesday. - Every time it rains. - Tell me that you love me.

Sujet(s)Hard rock (musique)


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