Outside society


Auteur(s)Smith, Patti (1946-...)

Titre(s)Outside society / Patti Smith.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2011.

ContientGloria. - Free money. - Ain't it strange. - Pissing in a river. - Because the night. - Rock n roll nigger. - Dancing barefoot. - Frederick. - So you want to be a rock n roll star. - People have the power. - Up there down there. - Beneath the southern cross. - Summer cannibals. - 1959. - Glitter in their eyes. - Lo and beholden. - Smells like teen spirit. - Trampin'.

Sujet(s)Variétés internationales


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéLE HOUGA5193180071Musique2.6 SMI


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