Boogie wonderland: the best of earth, wind & fire


Auteur(s)Earth wind & fire (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Boogie wonderland: the best of earth, wind & fire [Enregistrement sonore] / Earth Wind And Fire.

Editeur(s)Sony classical, 2013.

ContientSeptember. - Boogie wonderland. - After the love has gone. - Let's groove. - Shining star. - Song in my heart. - Can't let go. - Let me talk. - That's the way of the world. - Evil. - Jupiter. - Fantasy. - Where have all the flowers gone. - In the stone. - Star. - Love's holiday. - I'll write a song for you. - Back on the road. - I've had enough. - Fall in love with me. - Kalimba story. - Fair but so uncool. - Mighty mighty. - Sing a song. - Saturday nite. - On your face. - Happy feelin'. - Africano. - Imagination. - Earth, wind & fire. - Time is on your side. - Build your nest.



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CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000136620Musique1.42 EAR


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