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L'épopée tzigane = Road of the gypsies

Auteur(s)Camarón ;Bregovic, Goran ;Ando Drom ;Redzepova, Esma ;Ensemble Theodosievsky ;Taraf de Haïdouks ;Puceanu, Romica ;Orchestra Florea Cioaca ;Kandirali, Mustafa ;Dives, Rromano ;Kocani Orkestar ;Taraf Mociu ;Abdullah & Gholam Sakhi ;Bratsch ;Debarre, Angelo ;Camps, Serge ;Titi Winterstein ;Jelem ;Loyko ;Dives, Rromano ;Vanessa & Sorba ;Lunca, Gabi ;Yoirgos Mangas ;Bregovic, Goran ;Blehorkestar Bakija Bakic ;Kalyi Jag ;Buchacová, Valerie ;Bacan, Pedro ;Goulesco, Lida ;Ferret, Matelo ;Istanbul Oriental Ensemble ;Musicians of the Nile ;Devi Kálbelya, Suwa ;Bratsch

Titre(s)L'épopée tzigane = Road of the gypsies / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Network Medien Gmbh, 1996.

ContientCD 1 : Nana del Caballo Grande / Camarón. - Ederlezi / Goran Bregovic. - Lindráji Szi / Ando Drom. - Szelem Szelem / Esma Redzepova & Ensemble Theodosievsky. - Sus La Paru Dintre Vii / Taraf de Haidouks. - Erau Zarzarii-nfloriti / Romica Puceanu & Orchestra Florea Cioaca. - Kandira Karsilamasi / Mustafa Kandirali. - Besèna Rovèna / Rromano Dives. - Romski Cocek / Kocani Orkestar. - Horea Oilor / Taraf Mociu. - Lovesong from Herat / Abdullah & Gholam Sakhi. - Le Rindovani / Bratsch. - Folklore Roumain / Angelo Debarre, Serge Camps, Frank Anastasio. - Milko / Titi Winterstein Quintett. - Nevechernyaya / Jelem. - Gulya / Loyko. - CD 1 : Gia Tous Anthropous Pou / Yoirgos Mangas. - Mesecina / Goran Bregovic. - Pobjednicki Cocek / Blehorkestar Bakija Bakic from Vranje. - Vai, ce rau ma sint acuma / Gabi Lunca & Ensemble Ion Onoru. - Csilávtu / Kályi Jag. - Soven Tschawe Soven / Valerie Buchacová & Ensamble Horváthovci. - Por el camino d'Egipto / Pedro Bacan. - Moskovskijaokna / Lida Goulesco & Schnuckenack Reinhardt Quintett. - Road of the Gypsies / Loyko. - Gelem, Gelem / Rromano Dives. - Swiodeschka / Vanessa & Sorba with Titi Winterstein Quintett. - Mademoiselle de Bucarest / Matelo Ferret. - Roman Oyun Havasi / Istanbul Oriental Ensemble. - Bitnadini Tani Lih (edit) / Musicians of the Nile. - Kaman Song / Suwa Devi Kálbelya. - Nane Tsora / Bratsch.

Sujet(s)Tzigane (musique)


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