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Auteur(s)Reznor, Trent (1965-...) ;Batiste, Jon (1986-...) ;Ross, Atticus (1968-...) ;Chesnutt, Cody (1968-...) ;Diggs, David

Titre(s)Soul : bande originale du film des studios Pixar / Trent Reznor.

Editeur(s)Walt Disney Records, 2020.

ContientBorn to play. - Born to play reprise. - Bigger than us. - Collard greens and cornbread strut. - The great beyond. - Falling. - The great before/U seminar. - Jump to earth. - Rappin ced. - Joe's lowdown blues. - Terry time. - Joe's life. - Portal/The hall of everything. - Run/Astral plane. - Lost soul. - Meditation/Return to Earth. - 22's getaway. - Apex Wedge. - Let your soul glow. - Terry time too. - Feel soul good. - Parting ways. - Looking at life. - Fruit of the vine. - 22 is ready. - Pursuit/Terry's world. - Betrayal. - Space maker. - Cristo redentor. - The epic conversationalist/Born to play. - Celestial spaces in blue. - Spiritual connection. - Lost. - Epiphany. - Ship chase. - Escape/Inside 22. - Flashback. - Earthbound. - Thank you. - Enjoy every minute. - It's all right. - Just us.


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202011/0050087424251_thumb.jpg

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Source : Wikipédia
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  • Born to play
  • Born to play reprise
  • Bigger than us
  • Collard greens and cornbread strut
  • The great beyond


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