
id Castelnau d Auzan Labarrere

  M É D I A G E R S


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Auteur(s)Parker, Alan ;Cara, Irène ;Clifford, Linda ;McCrane, Paul ;Gore, Michael (Compositeur) ;Gore, Lesley ;Owens, Frank (Pianos) ;Mounsey, Rob (Pianos) ;Miller, Marcus (1959-...) (Guitare basse) ;Jordan, Steve (Batterie) ;Faddis, Jon (Trompette) ;Brecker, Randy (Trompette) ;Cuber, Ronald (Saxophones) ;Bargeron, Dave (Trombone) ;Rogers, Barry (Trombone) ;Taylor, David (Trombone) ;Pitchford, Dean ;Evans, Anthony (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Fame / Collectif.

Editeur(s)Polydor, 1980.

ContientFame / Gore Michael / Pitchford Dean. - Out here on my own / Gore Michael. - Hot lunch jam / Gore Michael. - Dogs in the yard / Rob Mounsey / Marcus Miller. - Red light / Gore Michael / Pitchford Dean. - Is it ok if I call you mine ? / McCrane Paul. - Never alone / Evans Anthony. - Ralph and Monty (Dressing room piano) / Gore Michael / Gore Lesley. - I sing the body electric / Gore Michael / Pitchford Dean. - Miles from here [previously unissued]. - Out here on my own [instrumental version]. - Fame [instrumental version].


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