
id Castelnau d Auzan Labarrere

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Rocking all over the years

Auteur(s)Status quo (Musicien) ;Phonogram international (Editeur commercial) ;Polygram-Division Phonogram (19..-1995) (Distributeur) ;Phonogram Ltd (Producteur)

Titre(s)Rocking all over the years [Enregistrement sonore] / Status Quo, groupe voc. et instr.

Editeur(s)[Baarn] : [Phonogram international] ; [Antony] : [distrib. Polygram-Division Phonogram], [1990 (P)].

Contientpictures of matchstick men. - ice in the sun. - paper plane. - caroline. - break the rules. - downdown. - roll over lay down. - rain. - wild side of life. - rockin'all over the world. - whatever you want. - what you proposin'. - something'bout you baby i like. - rock'n'roll. - dear john. - ol'rag blues. - marguerita time. - the wanderer. - rollin'home. - in the army. - burning bridges. - anniversary waltz.

NotesLondon : prod. Phonogram Ltd, P 1990. - Notice en anglais / Jones, Alan.

Sujet(s)Hard rock Rock

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CDEn rayonMAUVEZIN00249000018419Musique2 STA


Source : Wikipédia
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